Hello. Thank you once again for joining us.
Next Screening:
EXPMTL, Various, 1983-2023, 57m
7pm Tuesday 14 February at The Elizabeth Picture Theatre
A showcase of experimental work grounded in the material practice of 16mm film works and made by artists in and around Montréal.
Traces – Erin Weisgerber (2014, 5m)
Kick That Habit Man! – Francois Miron (1989, 3m)
All That Rises – DaĂ¯chi SaĂ¯to (2007, 7mins)
Microform – Émilie Serri (2010, 6m)
Just Words – Louise Bourque (1991, 10m)
A Film About A Man Of A Certain Age – Benjamin R. Taylor (2023, 10m)
Lunar Almanac – Malena Szlam (2013, 4m)
Plein air étude – Richard Kerr (1991, 6m
H2T – Charles-André Coderre (2014, 6m
Didre Novo – Steven Woloshen (1983, 2m)
The programme is introduced in person by its curator Benjamin R. Taylor: artist, creative director of VISIONS and co-director of la lumière collective in Montréal.
Unrated 15+ Presented on 16mm
This screening was made possible with the financial support of Conseil des arts et des lettres du Quebec and the Canada Council for the Arts.
As always, free to all members (with membership available online or at the venue box office.)
Upcoming Screenings:
14 March: EXMPTL showcase (introduced by curator Benjamin Taylor)
27 March: Alena Lodkina’s Petrol (and introduced by the filmmaker in person)
11 April: Jonathan Davies’ Topology of Sirens
25 April: Secret Screening (with Static Vision and with the filmmaker in person)
9 May: Ben Rivers’ Urthworks (pictured above)
Berlinale Previewing:
We’re in the middle of going through our Berlinale screeners: Angela Schanelec’s Music is simultaneously as baroque and minimalist as we could have hoped for, a mysterious title. Patric Chiha’s The Beast in the Jungle is imaginatively staged but marred by an enervating lead. Bas Devos’ Here is a contemplative study of human connection grounded in bryology, or the study of moss. (Pictured above though absent its low-key but detailed sound design.) Martin Shanly’s About Thirty is a rather great comedy that feels like it would have been much bigger twenty years ago. And Claire Simon’s Our Body (pictured below) is an essential look at the intersection of women’s bodies and the hospital system, from each stage of life but also the director’s own lived experience.
Thank you. We hope to catch you on Tuesday for our showcase of 16mm Montreal films introduced by guest curator Benjamin Taylor, and the (note) in thirteen days on Monday evening for our screening of Alena Lodkina’s Petrol with the filmmaker in attendance. Alena has to fly to New York to join the New Directors/New Films 2023 on Tuesday morning and so we erred on bringing the screening one day earlier so she could join us.